So lately I've some weird draw to Emacs. I don't know if I'm just getting bored with Neovim working so well or what. I've read some blog posts and started reading Mastering Emacs by Mickey Petersen. Or maybe I'm drawn to it's ability to do basically everything even though that kinda goes against the Unix paradigm of "do one thing and do it well". Of maybe it's just because Neal Stephenson uses it. Whatever the reason, I've been trying it out. I got Gnus to work, sorta. I can get newsgroups from and check emails on 2 separate IMAP account, one of them ProtonMail. I haven't gotten to setting up multiple SMTP servers, but I found what looks like a promising article, Setting up multiple IMAP and SMTP accounts in Gnus. But I digress.
Initially, I tried using Vanilla Emacs, but quickly became frustrated because I'd gotten so used to modal editing and Vim motion. All of the CTRL this and META that. It was too much when I was so used to h, j, k, l and entering character strings in Normal mode as a string of commands. Then I kept seeing reference to Doom Emacs so I thought I'd give that a try. It was easy to install and get working and boy did it make a world of difference! I was able to use my trusty Vim motion and commands in Emacs thanks to Evil Mode! Installing packages was super easy and it was a great framework. But it made it too easy. My wife would have a good laugh at that. Apparently I'm genetically predisposed to doing things the hard way, which I think is really just my need to understand how things work. So with an idea of what was possible, I removed Doom, went back to Vanilla Emacs, and began the journey down the long and winding rabbit hole of configuring Emacs myself. First stop, of course, was installing Evil Mode. Next, I needed to make Emacs a little better to look at, so I found and installed my favorite color theme Gruvbox (Dark Hard). Much better. Then, for whatever reason, I fixated on getting email and usenet to work in Emacs, which I did. Sort of.
Now I'm back on track to make it a fancy IDE comparable to my Neovim setup. There will be challenges, but I'll try to post them here as I meet and solve them.